PhD fellowships in European Network ARCADES

We are pleased to announce 13 open PhD positions within the European Network ARCADES: Algebraic Representations in Computer-Aided Design for complEx Shapes (

ARCADES is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network in the framework of Horizon 2020, starting on January 1st, 2016, and lasts for 4 years. It includes 8 sites offering 13 PhD’s, 5 industrial partners, and is coordinated by ATHENA Research & Innovation Center, Greece.

ARCADES offers a comprehensive training program at the crossroads of mathematics, computer-aided design (CAD) technology, and software development. It aims at disrupting the traditional paradigm in CAD by exploiting cutting-edge research in algorithm design and mathematics. Our methods lead to real-time modellers for architectural geometry and visualisation, to isogeometric and design-through-analysis software for shape optimisation, marine design and hydrodynamics, and tools for motion design, robot kinematics, path planning, and control of machining tools.

We offer:
* An exciting research environment including transnational visits to academic and industrial participants, and to Network-wide events.
* Full time employment for 3 years, leading to a PhD.
* A competitive (gross) salary comprising of:
— living allowance of 3110 €/month (country correction factor to be applied),
— mobility of 600 €/month, family allowance of 500 €/month (depending on family status).

Eligible Candidates should:
* Have a Master’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Engineering (or an equivalent diploma allowing them to pursue a PhD).
* Not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country where the PhD takes place, for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment date.
* At the date of recruitment have less than 4 years of a research career and not have a doctoral degree.
* Be able to communicate fluently in English (in speaking and writing – certificates required).

The review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until all positions are filled. The expected starting date is by September 2016, but any starting date after January 2016 is possible. To apply, please send by email to levitra price and to, the following:
— a detailed CV,
— a transcript of the Master studies’ grades (including the overall grade and an explanation of the grading system) , and the Master thesis if available,
— a letter of motivation indicating any preferred PhD topic(s) (see our website below),
— the completed eligibility form (see our website below),
— and arrange for at least one letter of recommendation, preferably by the Master’s thesis supervisor, to be sent to the above email addresses.

ARCADES organises a recruitment workshop in Vienna, on 25-27 April 2016. For more information about the positions, the application procedure and the workshop, see: ed treatment drugs.

Students and researchers from countries affected by conflicts and having their careers interrupted are encouraged to apply. Researchers faced by these circumstances can also visit: